
Heather Morrison invites you to peruse her gallery of photography and films. Enjoy!

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Bay Area, California, United States
Welcome to my Blog! Where I tell you about our candidate program and what I'm up to!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blogging re: filmmaking

I am relieved.  I headed into this week tired.  Sunday I assisted at a Wedding.  Unpaid and the third photographer tasked to transfer images from CF cards to a laptop that in the last 1/4 of our shooting showed only 2 pictures out of hundreds our key photographer took.  Gone. Just gone.

They did not panic.  I did not panic. On the outside.  I knew it wasn't my fault per se but it happened while I was doing the upload and felt horrible.  No one blamed. No one had to.  I still got some lovely shots and so did S.    J reported later he was able to retrieve them.

  Lessons learned?  You betcha.  1) don't drag and drop onto your desktop (later learned that the memory was almost full).  2) We had an external hard drive and we should have used it.

Monday:  dragged my tired carcass into work  - oh wait let me back up to

Saturday:  Worked for about 10-12 hours on my short film.  One that I had no idea would take so much work.  One that even though I had a highly skilled editor who did a great job - didn't really get it to where I was satisfied with it.  Thank goodness I had help and I had support.  Not that I can publicly talk about that as it would be unprofessional to kvetch about the editor who did his best. BUT.

He didn't have a feel for the sweetness, the visual gags of it.  With lots of work and what looks like just a little bit of changes we added:  better transitions, more fun - can see those gags now.  I also lengthened a sprinkler scene and it's not just a throw away scene - it has sense now.  We increased the pathos of the sticker scene. Where there were some jumps in continuity we smoothed those.  We did a LOT of work.  I'm proud of it.

NOW!  My sound editor is going to get the project going on his end Tues. 5/31.  My composer has the newest cut and is working on music.  My titles person is refining the titles.  My colorist - new as of today thank goodness just assured me it could be done. we have some challenges to deal with but...I'm hoping....

gotta have lunch.

let me just say this though.  i had an appointment at noon. it's canceled.  i had my review in SF tomorrow - been rescheduled.  I am getting the time I need right now! thanks goodness.!